Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hiatal hernia sometimes show no systoms

Hiatal hernia appears in the upper parts of the abdomen. A simple definition of hernia is that it is a disease that appears when a certain part of the body loses its resistance. If the muscles get weak and the abdominal pressure increases, eventually the hiatus will stretch so much that the upper part of the stomach will pass through it thus causing the hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia doesn't cause any symptoms or trouble in the body, so in most cases people already suffer with the disease and don't even know about it until their are diagonise by the doctor.

There are two ways of repairing hiatal hernia. The first one is used for the simple hernias and is called herniorraphy. This procedure will make possible the return of the intestines to their proper place and a strengthening of the abdominal wall. For larger hernias hernioplasty is used. This procedure includes the usage of a plastic or steel mesh that is added to the abdominal wall. Best advise if you are suffering from hiatal hernia try to lose some weight and not to wear tight clothes.


alex said...

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alex said...

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alex said...

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