Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Symptoms of hiatal hernia are mostly such as heartburn

Hiatal hernia affects both sexes equally. mostly people who suffer from hiatal hernia don't have any symptoms in the early stage. Hiatal hernia can occurs at any age but the highest risk people who will suffer from the hiatal hernia are the early people, people who are overweight, and weight lifting people. Hernia generally involves penetration of the internal organs through the protective muscle walls that surround them which involved the organ causing the disorder.

The symptoms of hiatal hernia are mostly such as heartburn, abdominal pain and discomfort and neusea. Uncomplicated hiatal hernia can be effectively cured by making lifestyle improvements. Portion your food consumption by taking less portion and more times, try to lose weight and do not wear very tight dress or cloth, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Heavy smokers, obesity and increasing in age are main cause of hiatal hernia

Hiatal hernia is a condition in which a portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest. Heavy smokers, obesity and increasing in age are the main cause of getting hiatal hernia. For people above the age of 50 are high risk of hiatal hernias as this coditions may cause reflux of gastric acid from the stomach into the esophagus.

Most of the symptoms are heartburn, bleching, chest pain and finding difficulty in swallowing. To reduce the pain is to avoid taking heavy meals at one time and bending and lying down after each heavy meals. If you notice a bulge or swelling in your groin, abdomen, scrotum, or thigh, you should talk to your doctor. Sometimes a hernia may also cause sharp or dull pain and the pain may worsen when you are standing.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Most small hiatal hernias show no symptoms

Most small hiatal hernias don't cause any problems and also will never symptoms only when your doctor discover when checking for condition. A large hiatal hernia will allow food and acid to back up into your esophagus, leading to heartburn and chest pain. This large hiatal hernias will sometimes needs surgical operation. Hiatal hernia are most cause in the abdominal area but sometimes it can develop elsewhere. It occur when one part of the body protrudes through a gap or opening into another part.

A hiatal hernia can contributed to gastroesophageal reflux. It happen when a hernia slightly displaces the lower esophageal sphincter. A hiatal hernia can also cause heartburn when our stomach becomes a reservoir for gastric acid, which can then easily travel up your esophagus. Most heartburn patients only discoverd through their doctor that they have hiatal hernias. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms are severe, occur often, or are accompanied by coughing, wheezing, asthma, a sore throat, difficulty swallowing or chest pain.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hiatal hernia required no treatment unless it is complication by Gerd.

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which the upper part of the stomach bulges through an opening in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle wall that separates the stomach from the chest. The diaphragm helps keep acid from coming up into the esophagus. When you have a hiatal hernia, it's easier for the acid to come up. The leaking of acid from the stomach into the esophagus is called gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). GERD may cause symptoms such as heartburn, problems swallowing, a dry cough and bad breath.

Hiatal hernias are common, especially in people over age 50. If you are symptoms of heatal hernias it is adviseable to reduce the portion of your food and also to take your food three hours before going to bed as this lessen reflux by allowing the acid in the stomach to decrease and the stomach to partially empty. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Hiatal hernia did not required treatment unless it is complication by Gerd.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hiatal hernia can be effectively cured by chaning our lifestyle

If you have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia or finding that you have hiatal hernia symptoms it is best important to see your doctor or healthcare to determine the best treatment for you. Hiatal hernia is cause as our supportive and surrounding tissues is weakening due to advancing age, smoking and obeesity.

The symptoms of hiatal hernia are mostly heartburn, chest pain and difficulty in swallowing. These symptoms occur not as a direct result of the hiatal hernia itself but as a result of what the hernia allows…the backflow of food and stomach acid into the esophagus. Many people report an increase in symptoms when lifting heavy objects, lying down, leaning forward or straining. Hiatal hernia affects both sexes equally. Although it can occur at any age, the disorder has the highest incidence in elderly people. Hiatal hernia is also common in overweight people and in people who frequently sustain intense physical effort such as weight lifting.

Hiatal hernia can be effectively cured by chaning our lifestyle. The diet we daily take, avoid spispy and oily food, reduce or stop smoking and drinking hard liquors. Avoid heavy exercise such as weight lifting.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hiatal hernia sometimes show no systoms

Hiatal hernia appears in the upper parts of the abdomen. A simple definition of hernia is that it is a disease that appears when a certain part of the body loses its resistance. If the muscles get weak and the abdominal pressure increases, eventually the hiatus will stretch so much that the upper part of the stomach will pass through it thus causing the hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia doesn't cause any symptoms or trouble in the body, so in most cases people already suffer with the disease and don't even know about it until their are diagonise by the doctor.

There are two ways of repairing hiatal hernia. The first one is used for the simple hernias and is called herniorraphy. This procedure will make possible the return of the intestines to their proper place and a strengthening of the abdominal wall. For larger hernias hernioplasty is used. This procedure includes the usage of a plastic or steel mesh that is added to the abdominal wall. Best advise if you are suffering from hiatal hernia try to lose some weight and not to wear tight clothes.

Hiatal hernia sometimes never cause systoms

Hiatal hernia appears in the upper parts of the abdomen. A simple definition of hernia is that it is a disease that appears when a certain part of the body loses its resistance. If the muscles get weak and the abdominal pressure increases, eventually the hiatus will stretch so much that the upper part of the stomach will pass through it thus causing the hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia doesn't cause any symptoms or trouble in the body, so in most cases people already suffer with the disease and don't even know about it until their are diagonise by the doctor.

There are two ways of repairing hiatal hernia. The first one is used for the simple hernias and is called herniorraphy. This procedure will make possible the return of the intestines to their proper place and a strengthening of the abdominal wall. For larger hernias hernioplasty is used. This procedure includes the usage of a plastic or steel mesh that is added to the abdominal wall. Best advise if you are suffering from hiatal hernia try to lose some weight and not to wear tight clothes.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hiatal hernia may be the cause of our diets

Most people who suffer hiatal hernia has no symptoms. Hiatal hernia may be cause by previous surgery, aging, obesity or pregnancy. People with symptoms are heartburn or chest pain due to the gastric from our stomach being pushed up into the esophagus. Results to abdominal uncomfortable and regular belching.

Methods to avoid getting hiatal hernia is to avoid spicies, acidic and oily foods.
Alcohol and tobacco is bad for health and at the same time is parts of the causes of hiatal hernia. Try to chew your food to tiny piece before swallowing and eating more high fiber diet to protect from hiatal hernia.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hernia is not a serious illness

Hernia is not a serious illness, but if do not go for early checked up or treated it can lead to serious complications and pain. Hernia can appear in different parts of the body, but the most common place where it is encountered is the abdomen.

The upper stomach and the end of the esophagus slip up through the hiatus because it has become weakened and this is how hiatal hernia appears and is called a sliding hiatal hernia. Most of the hiatal hernias that people suffer are sliding hiatal hernias, but other people might suffer from a different form hernia, called paraesophageal hernia, which is slightly more dangerous because the stomach can get strangled.